Get Your Rice Processing Plant Designed and Installed by Rice Mill Consultants in Bangladesh.

In Bangladesh, 75% of the total area is cropped and out of which, 80% of the irrigation is Rice. This shows how rice is vital for their livelihood. It is currently the world’s sixth-largest producer.

In Bangladesh, 75% of the total area is cropped and out of which, 80% of the irrigation is Rice. This shows how rice is vital for their livelihood. It is currently the world’s sixth-largest producer. The geography of Bangladesh is dominated by the floodplains of the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna rivers.

“Global rice utilization was forecast to expand by 1.5 percent in 2016/17 to 502.9 million tonnes. Growing food intake would account for much of this growth, rising 5.2 million tonnes over the year to 403.9 million tonnes”, this was the report of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

After rice is being separated, paddy in its raw form cannot be consumed by human beings. Therefore, it needs to be adequately processed for obtaining rice. If you are living in an area of high production of paddy, you can establish a Rice Mill Plant of your own. Setting up a Rice Processing plant appears to be a boon there.

Rice Mills & Rice Processing is mostly controlled by the government through an indirect way: a license is required for setting up a Rice Mill, which sets out extensive terms and conditions. We provide you Rice Mill Consultant in Bangladesh which will help you in establishing as they also act as Rice Mill Engineers & Designers.

Nextech Grain Processing & Engineering Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is the best Rice mill consultants with 10 years of experience and counting. However, the complex terms and conditions set for obtaining a license are thwarting, for which Rice Mill Project Consultant is advisable.

Moreover, as the rice husk can be used to create poultry feed and sheep feed and even edible oils, turns out to be more profitable from early.
We can imagine the huge yield, productivity, as well as the market efficiency of the rice mills which are located at various production locations. The credit of such an immense degree of production should definitely go to the rice mill consultants who are being hired in greater numbers by many mill merchants to have a better working and output.

If you are willing to have your own Rice Processing Plant in Bangladesh, we at Nextech Solutions. It’s an Indian-based rice mil consultant with years of experience in the rice milling industry can help you with the establishment.


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