Pre-cleaning and Modern Cleaning Process of Grains

Cleaning has always been an integral part of rice milling. It helps you remove unwanted materials from the paddy, such as husks, chaff, soil, and stones. Besides, it increases the overall quality of processed rice as well as the storability of rice. Earlier the traditional methods were used, such as drying in the open, tossing and winnowing which were ineffective in cleaning the grain. This resulted in the development of new methods for cleaning and pre-cleaning. 


When paddy comes into the mill from farmers, it contains lots of foreign materials, such as weed seeds, soil, rubbish, and other non-grain materials. 

Pre-cleaning helps remove these materials to improve the efficiency of huller and milling recovery. No removal of these can result in damage to the machinery by blocking the bin outlets. The grains are passed via a sieve drum and are rotated in a sieve cylinder. The brush attached in the sieve cylinder keeps cleaning it. The product flows over the magnet installed in it which functions as a speed breaker to remove dust and impurities. The grain is separated according to their sizes with the help of separators. The aspiration channel emits the soil with the help of the connection pipe. The pre-cleaner consists of circular, drum pre-cleaner and clobber.

Modern Cleaning

Modern cleaning includes a colour sorting process to separate white and contaminated black grains which were earlier used by a durum processor. With the technological advancement and fitting of high-resolution cameras, the grains can be quickly inspected in a broader spectrum to subtle the impurities. Nowadays, UV rays sorting technologies are being used to check foreign materials as they offer better light density. These machines have the potential to provide more output than traditional cleaning methods, thereby improving the overall output quantity. The next step is insecticide treatments and cleaning of premises to destroy the insects before they damage the food. 

If you’re looking to improve the quality and quantity of the yield, cleaning and pre-cleaning are a must. If you’re still not sure about the modern cleaning and pre-cleaning processes, it is recommended to hire rice mill consultants to advise you until you’re confident about it. 

Nextech Agri Solutions are one of the leading Rice Mill Consultants in India who can help you with everything in rice mill plant design. From rice mill plant design to modern cleaning and pre-cleaning processing of grain, they can help you run the Rice Mill Business effectively. 


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Mill Maintenance – Grain Milling Solutions

Repairing, technical services and maintenance of the rice mills are essential as they can affect the lifetime of the milling machines and makes them work accurately for a long time. If good and regular maintenance are carried out, machines can’t be able to work for a long time.

As per the recommendation of Rice Mill Consultant, Maintenance of Rice Mill Plant Design at a decided time will monitor the active machines and pieces of equipment designed by Rice Mill Engineers & Designers to detect the possible breakdowns. Therefore, it avoids downtimes for equipment and machines because of unexpected maintenance plus loss of production and needless replacement of parts.

As an outcome, downtime and maintenance stemming from breakdowns decrease more than 25% to 30%. It facilitates eradicates slight flaws before leasing them to develop into more grave troubles. 

Grain Milling Solutions

Important and crucial maintenance of the mills can be easily attained with the help of three variant methods such as Predictive Maintenance, Unscheduled Maintenance, Preventive maintenance. Mill consultants and inspectors can arrange and choose maintenance systems as per specific requirements and local situations by making use of these methods. 

Predictive Maintenance 

This method is a new approach towards new technological developments in the rice mills. The concept of predictive maintenance is first introduced by R. kubilay Kose i 1988 in turkey at national machine design and manufacturing congress of a middle east technical university. He selected to use the term “kestirimci Bakim” for a method of predictive maintenance. 

This technique of mill maintenance allows monitoring of equipment and machines to detect possible breakdowns. As an outcome, an unscheduled shutdown of equipment and machines, unnecessary part replacement and loss of production are reduced. 

Advantages of Predictive Maintenance 

  1. Breakdown decrease by 35-34%. 
  2. Expected productive and a lifetime of equipment augmented. 
  3. Machines that are in working and good conditions are not stopped unnecessarily which ultimately saves time. 
  4. Enables corrective maintenance for critical components. 
  5. Production loss decreases considerably. Production levels go up by 20-25%. 
  6. Prevent minor flaws to become a source of bigger problems in time. 
  7. It is 8-12% more profitable than preventive maintenance. 
  8. More saving of energy. 
  9. Maintenance cost decreases significantly. 
  10. Maintenance time and downtime for machine breakdowns decrease 25-30%. Work-load and labour costs decrease. 

Unscheduled Maintenance 

It is also known as “emergency maintenance, repair maintenance and breakdown maintenance. Repair and maintenance are carried out when the pieces of equipment and machines don’t work properly or stopped working. As an outcome, loss of production at the time of repair is much high. Defects occur in machines and pieces of equipment also affect the other machines and pieces of equipment. While performing unscheduled maintenance, the equipment and mills are revisited to base or original situation and efficiency by reinstating materials and parts only after the collapse. 

Because of its disadvantages, repair maintenance is not performing by any mill until needed the most. Otherwise, scheduled maintenance techniques are essentially performed.

Scheduled maintenance 

The goal of preventive and planned maintenance is to decrease the need for emergency maintenance. It is carried out by following given methods: 

Predictive maintenance 

The method of predictive maintenance is carried out of three main steps such as measurement, analysis and repair. 

Periodical maintenance 

The goal of this technique is to prevent components of machines or equipment from failure and to improve their strength before any collapse. 

The period of maintenance for equipment and machines at mills can be classified as: 
  1. Daily
  2. Weekly
  3. Long term. 

The period of maintenance for equipment and machines are already planned as per the specification provided by the companies that install them. 


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Need for Modernizing the Methods and Machinery of Paddy Processing?

Modernizing the Methods And Machinery of Paddy Processing not only helps you save your time but it also helps you improve the quality of the rice and produce more rice in less time. 

Paddy separators and other modern methods such as husking-rubber rolling technology, friction-type whitener polisher are being widely accepted in the modern rice mills. 

 Benefits of modern machinery for paddy processing

There are a lot of things that modern machines can do and the old ones cannot. Few of them are: 

  • Modern machines can help you process rice of all degrees of whiteness with minimum broken
  • It can help you produce high-quality rice.
  • They have higher milling efficiency. It can produce a high amount of rice in less amount of time. This is really useful for people who export rice to other countries. 
  • They don’t require too much maintenance.
  • They reduce the electricity bill.

Benefits of modern methods of paddy processing

Just like modern machinery, modern methods of paddy processing are also being widely accepted across the country. They offer a lot of benefits such as:

  • You can cater to the exact customer demand for quality and quantity. 
  • Less loss of grains.
  • Can store the milled rice for a longer period of time i.e better grain storage solutions

In the milling business, sustained production is the biggest challenge rice millers have to face. Moreover, people are getting more concerned about the quality of the rice. 

The best way to meet both the demands i.e. increased productivity and better quality is by Modernizing the Methods And Machinery of paddy processing.

Bottom Line

Allowing you to increase productivity and improve quality, modernization is the best way to increase your profits. 

We at Nextech Solutions can help you modernize your rice mill so you have to spend less on operations and can earn more by producing better quality rice. Being the leading Rice Mill Consultant we even help you if you want to export your rice. No matter if you’re looking for a storage silo consultant or a rice mill project consultant or rice mill engineers & designers, or just storage solutions. We offer everything you’ll ever need throughout your rice milling business.

Get Solutions on Rice Mill Industry

Nextech Solution is an organization which helps to provide all kinds of services for the milling industry. It is a Grain Processing And Engineering Solution and has 10 years of experience in this field. If you are planning to set up a Rice Mill Plant, then you must be curious about it and there must be many questions in your mind related to this work. We are an experienced, friendly team of professionals and we always look forward to solving your eagerness. So you can get solutions on Rice Mill Industry by our experts.

There are some common questions which may wander in your mind before starting a rice Mill Plant.

  • How do I Set up a Rice Mill Plant?

To set up a rice mill plant, you must follow these steps,

  1. Register your business with the Registrar of companies.
  2. Register it with Udyog Aadhar MSME registration. 
  3. Get a license of your factory
  4. Get approval from the Pollution Control Board.
  5. Get your VAT registration done.
  6. ICE registration is also mandatory in case you plan to export your produce.

The investment of the business depends upon the many factors such as the size, technology level, personnel hired and many others. But the approximate amount in which we can set up a rice mill is about 92.5 lakhs. Which include all the things related to this business like the land required, technical staff, cost of raw materials etc.

  • How Do I design a rice milling plant project?

There are many factors which are important to consider while designing a rice milling project. Nextech Solution provide one of the best grain milling and engineering solution Pvt. Ltd. and has an experienced and skilled team of professionals which will help you to Design Your Rice Milling Plant Project. We offer the entire set of expertise needed to set up a highly automated plant including grain handling, grain processing system. 

  • How do I get a license for Rice Mill?

To get a License For The Rice Mill Plant one has to seek the permission of the Central government. The central government has the right to undertake a full and complete investigation about your set up. There are many laws to obtain the license for the rice mill plant. The central Government ensure higher efficiency with decreased generation cost. 

  • Is Rice Mill Business profitable nowadays?

Rice Mill Business has gained lots of popularity nowadays and it is one of the best businesses invest upon. But it totally depends upon the strategy of selling your product and services. You must build up a plan to start your rice mill plant and must have some backup plans with you. 

Nextech Solution is a 10 years old organisation which have an experienced team of engineers and consultants to guide you about the profits of the Rice Mill Plant.

Nextech solution possesses a skilled team of Rice Mill engineers and designers to help you out in establishing your rice mill plant. Our Rice Mill Consultants are always available to help you out with your confusion and will provide you with the rice milling plant layout and design. All kinds of rice mill machines are provided here to start up a rice mill plant. If you are planning to start a rice mill plant then Nextech Solution is the perfect place for you.


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The Advanced Paddy Drying System

Paddy Drying is the basic process of yielding rice. During the paddy arrival season, the moisture percentage in freshly harvested paddy is 18% and above, the paddy should be dried to bring down the moisture percentage of 14% which is ideal for storage purpose. After the process of parboiling and steaming the moisture increases to 35% which is actually wet paddy. So to reduce the moisture from it various steps are involved such as field drying, sun drying, heated air drying, in-store drying.

If moisture not removed from the paddy, the quality of grain decreases. Instead of sun drying and traditional drying methods, Nextech Solutions offers advancement with Paddy Drying System such as installation & design of paddy dryer machine. This helps in the drying process efficient than traditional drying methods for safe storage.

A Paddy Dryer Machine is designed to suit all the grains. It comes with a blower and furnace digitalized with meters for controlled drying, with the air flow circulation to dry the paddy grains in a closed chamber. The machine works with two chambers or tanks one for filling in and another for discharge. This Paddy dryer Machine can be efficient Paddy Drying Solution for batch type drying and continuous drying processes.

Features of Advanced Paddy Drying Machine.
  • It is designed to suit up all the paddy grains.
  • The design includes quality material such as stainless steel which doesn’t affect any harm to the paddy.
  • Rice Mill Consultant can help you to reap all the benefits of the Paddy Dryer Machine, to use the husk, wood or biomass obtained.
  • It comes with PLC monitor system to monitor and control the temperature for the drying process.
  • Efficient drying as to reduce 5% moisture, the process is likely to run for 5 hours.
  • Can reduce the labor cost, as minimal manpower is required.
  • Also, the maintenance of this Grain Dryer is very low.
  • The Grain Dryer is designed to provide uniform steaming to maintain the quality of the paddy grains.


We at Nextech Solutions help you out with Rice Milling Plant Layout Design with our team of Rice Mill Engineers and Designer which will help to plan about Paddy Dryer Machine Setup. This counseling and planning about Paddy Drying Solutions with Rice Mill Engineers and Designers will help you with much profitable business.


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Different Milling Techniques– Modern and Traditional Mills.

Rice has remained the staple food to more than half the humanity since time immemorial despite waves of food revolutions. Covered by two different layers, namely- bran (the inner layer) and husk (outer layer), Rice paddy becomes rice only when the two layers are removed properly through hulling and milling of paddy and hence processing of rice can be termed as the hulling and milling ratio. Production wise India has risen to become the second largest producer of rice in the world (21 percent of global rice production), next only to China. The growth of population exerts more pressure- pushing for higher productivity of crops while a larger quantity of food grain continues to be lost due to inefficient milling processes in the country. Therefore, it calls for a better processing technique of rice to prevent processing loss. Generally, rice kernels are often susceptible to breakage due to inefficient milling processes. Therefore, more efficient milling processes are becoming imperative with Government encouragement and policies so that with better recovery ratio and quality rice kernel production hunger in India is ameliorated after 2030.

The efficiency of grain milling processes denotes three factors-technologies, degree of competition and capacity of utilization each of which Nextechagrisolutions- the leading Rice Mill Consultant in the domestic Food and Grain Industry elevates substantially. Nextechagrisolutions Engineering Solutions Pvt. Ltd.,- India’s leading Rice Mill Project & Rice Mill Plant Manufacturer India  & of Rice Mill Machinery Consultants facilitate the transformation from a traditional Rice Mills to a modern one by transferring the expertise and experience of erecting the 360o ecosystem. Nextech Grain Processing & Engineering Solutions Pvt. Ltd. possesses the necessary wherewithal for automating and upgrading of existing Rice Mills to state of the art, automated mill through innovation and automation for customized needs. The quality in terms the rice output’s quality, whiteness, milling degree, grain dimensions is enhanced and enables the manufacturers to fulfill the exacting customer demands on quantity as well as quality parameters to capture market share and ensure greater returns.

Difference Between Traditional & Modern Milling

Generally, rice kernels are often susceptible to breakage and hence hulling and milling ratio is low due to inefficient milling processes. Therefore, modern efficient milling processes that raise productivity are often automated while ensuring a modern product ready for the supermarkets. This not only ensures better recovery ratio & quality rice kernel production but also better returns. The quality of finished rice/polished rice is also dependent on the quality of raw paddy used for conversion, the new technological improvements introduced in rice milling, but the growing demand is making never before demands on rice production. One of Nextech’s specialties is to impart 360o consultancy for the Modernization Of Rice Mills.

Rice Milling Technology– Then & Now

Traditionally, maintaining high quality and output of rice was easy with limited technology, government policies, little investment, miss-management etc. This led to the rejection of many shipped consignments due to poorer than international quality standard. Rice Mill plants were not efficient in terms of energy conservation, maintenance, productivity, and Quality management systems were not employed. The units even lacked testing labs for routine check-ups. Now(automatic and semi-automatic) manufactured and supplied by Japan & Germany are extensively employed  and new technologies were introduced including the use of rubber roller technology for husking; Two-stage whitening process; Use of Paddy separators; Old stone disk hullers, vertical cone polishers replaced by emery-coated cylinders etc., Emphasis is now on Skilled operators, use of NUE (Nitrogen Use Efficient) technology and Turbo & extractive milling to speed  up the process while saving energy. Nextech Solutions introduces ever more innovations to produce high-quality products for greater returns.


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Guide to setting up a Rice Mill Industry in India

Rice is the basic food of numerous people throughout the country and it is the major food in India. Rice milling industry in India is a key industry as rice farming is one of the chief sources of income for the farmers.

Rice is the basic food of numerous people throughout the country and it is the major food in India. Rice milling industry in India is a key industry as rice farming is one of the chief sources of income for the farmers. Rice grown in India is known for its aroma and is exported throughout the world due to its high quality. If you are planning to set up a rice mill industry in India the here is the guide to do so in a stress-free manner.
Rice Mill Industry Setup in India:

Rice milling industry is a booming industry and with the raw material available quite easily, India is a major hub for rice milling and processing. The process of rice milling involves Pre-cleaning, de-husking, paddy removal, polishing and whitening, grading, mixing, polishing and packaging according to weight. If you already own a land and have the required capital, all you require are Rice mill plant consultants in India that can guide you through the entire process with great ease. You can purchase the equipment and machinery required for the plant setup with the help of a consultant and the process of setup can be then initiated within the four walls of your land.
The basic machinery required for the rice milling plant is:

  • Cleaning machine
  • De-stoning machine
  • Paddy husking machine
  • Paddy separator
  • Rice whitening machine
  • Rice polishing machine
  • Grading machine
  • Grain dryer
  • Weighing and packaging machine
  • Lighting equipment


Installation of the Machines:

Rice mill machinery installation can be done by experts in the field so that your plant does not face any technical issues in the future. These experts will scrutinize and install the complete plant for you so that the production you get is of high quality and quantity. Your plant will be well designed by the technical consultants and the installation team will set up the plant under the supervision of the consultants. Silos project consultants Delhi can also guide you regarding the quality of raw material required to process quality rice, which can be exported.

Once the production commences all you have to do is start marketing your products and place on shelves. The rice milling business is quite profitable with less investment and one can reach great heights in business with hard work and automated machines. You can easily find rice mill machinery providers and start the setup process without any hassle.


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Moving Towards Self Reliance: Nigeria Set To Shun Rice Imports

Just like a lot of other countries, Nigeria’s staple food item is rice. It’s one of the largest importers of rice in the African continent. Africa’s most populous country is also the largest consumer of rice. What’s troubling is the fact that it still relies on the imports to satiate its growing rice consumption needs.

Just like a lot of other countries, Nigeria’s staple food item is rice. It’s one of the largest importers of rice in the African continent. Africa’s most populous country is also the largest consumer of rice. What’s troubling is the fact that it still relies on the imports to satiate its growing rice consumption needs. Over the last few years, Nigeria imported as much as 17 million tons of rice and as stated by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the rice importation exceeded by 2.3 million tons in 2016. Nigeria consumes about 6.5 tons of rice annually and less than half of it is produced locally. The paucity arising from the rice importations costs Nigeria over $2 billion annually.

As import duties on goods escalated, rice prices in the country increased drastically. After the rice shortages during the grain crisis, the President of Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari decided to channelize all his attention towards rice plantation and announced several plans to boost rice production by the end of 2017.

The dwindling scenario is changing slowly as small and commercial farmers are investmenting in rice production. The little success that this movement facilitated was visible in the Variety of Rice available in the marketplaces during country’s last festive season. Nigerians have started to demand locally produced rice owing to the fact that it is much more nutritious than the one that’s sourced, given that the country’s leading rice millers have started processing paddy as proficiently as their foreign counterparts. This increase in the awareness and demand has fueled the local rice production. Further, analysts claim that in the face of dwindling oil revenues, the federal and state governments; through Central Bank of Nigeria, drove certain campaigns to encourage local rice production, which was another important factor that led to a surge in the produce. To further escalate the production, the Nigerian government increased the allocated budget to $302 million, which increased the production by 500%, in comparison to 2016.

However, some analysts claim that the surge in Nigeria’s production is chiefly due to the massive investment by the agri-firm giant, Olam Nigeria Limited. Olam integrated a multi-billion dollar Rice Mill that had the capacity to produce 65,000 metric tons of rice annually and further increased the cultivated land to 10,000 hectares, which brings their total investment to $111 million. Combined with aircrafts to plant rice, apply fertilizers, 9 tractors and 11 combine harvesters, Olam is currently developing a 10,000 hectare, fully-mechanized paddy farm.

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that Nigeria has a huge potential to expand its rice production. Rice isn’t willed into existence, it needs to sown and cultivated systematically. The sector was neglected for a very long time. The government’s intervention has been remarkable but, still modest compared to the growing demand.


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Find The Best Rice Mill Plant Consultants In Delhi, India

India is a hub of finest rice mill plant manufacturers, exporters, distributors, and suppliers of the industry. They can manufacture and supply international quality rice mill plants and other milling machines as per the customer’s requirement. Also, they can develop a customized specification and good material made rice mill equipment and its accessories according to the customer’s business need.

India is a hub of finest rice mill plant manufacturers, exporters, distributors, and suppliers of the industry. They can manufacture and supply international quality rice mill plants and other milling machines as per the customer’s requirement. Also, they can develop a customized specification and good material made rice mill equipment and its accessories according to the customer’s business need. So, you do not need to look elsewhere, just get in touch with any leading Rice Mill plant developers and suppliers in India and get your job done easily.

Rice mill machinery is a quality agriculture machine designed for processing of rice and is used in making rice clean. This plant or machine can be available in different materials like steel, copper, iron, etc. This machine works automatically and removes chaffs, and other residues from grains of rice. These machines have great use at agricultural units and enable people to clean tons of rice at one time. It depends on the size of rice mill plant and its rice cleaning speed and efficiency.

In India, you can find reputed rice mill plant makers and suppliers, who can build and supply top quality rice mill machines for the agriculture houses. So, if you also want a high-quality rice mill plant for your agriculture need, then get in touch with the leading rice mill plant manufacturers in Delhi, India. The city is a hub of many top-notch agricultural plants, machines, and other accessory makers, suppliers, exporters, etc. They can build impeccable and good material made rice mill plants in a customized way of the customer.

So, rush out to the best-known rice mill machine makers in Delhi and give details of machine’s specifications wisely. The manufacturers can ensure you develop a well designed, technically sound, and flawless rice mill equipment for your agriculture business in the same parameters. Also, they will check the quality of the machine and its functionality at international parameters before delivering it to the customer. Besides, they can assist you to know how to operate this machine for the intended purpose. So, it would be a wise decision to avail services of recommended rice mill manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters in Delhi, India and get the real cost of your investment easily.

For more information about a rice mill plant or machine, you can also take the aid of experienced rice mill plant consultants in Delhi. They will help you understand the worth of this machine in rice cleaning and other agricultural uses. Also, they will let you know the whole process of rice cleaning, and its benefits as well. Moreover, they will tell you about the types of rice machines and their utilities too. Furthermore, the consultants can give tips how to operate the machine and keep it secure from technical faults, and other hazards in the workplace. Thus, they can guide you all about this wonderful rice mill machine that is effective for agriculture people and enables them to make rice clean and improve its quality as well.

It would be good to take the aid of Silo Consultants who can help you know more about this quality rice cleaning machine. They have vast knowledge about all types of agriculture machines or equipment and accessories in depth. They can also help you explore functions and other benefits of this machine. So, do not waste your time, just approach the certified Silo agriculture advisers and take meaningful answers to your queries related to agricultural machines and their working mechanisms easily.


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The Process Of Making Parboiled Rice

Everyone in the country knows what white rice or a brown rice is. However the awareness about parboiled rice is very limited. So it often happens that you are asked about what is parboiled rice when you tell someone that you consume this third of the many breeds of Rice.

Everyone in the country knows what white rice or a brown rice is. However the awareness about parboiled rice is very limited. So it often happens that you are asked about what is parboiled rice when you tell someone that you consume this third of the many breeds of Rice. In simple terms, Parboiled Rice means the type of rice which is partially boiled. But boiled where? The grain is simmered in the husk.

Since the process of parboiling involves three major steps which are soaking, steaming, and drying, the other name of the grain is ‘soaking rice’. As mentioned, the first and foremost process involves drenching of the grain. The act is carried out by transferring the rice into the soaking tank, setting the machine temperature at 20-30 degree Celsius and leaving the grain for 36-48 hours as per the need of the situation. Once the drenching part is done, the rice is then shifted for steaming process which requires heating up the grain for making the grain harder. The procedure isn’t much time consuming as it depends on the manufacturer what kind of grain color he or she wants to attain considering the higher the heating temperature, the lesser the processing time. Although, steaming at high temperature increases the chances of grain getting darker in color.

The final act involves drying the grain. It must be noted that withering the grain in huge quantity isn’t easy. Especially in the case when the rice are parboiled. So, the grains are sun-baked with the help of a large number of workers who have to work actively and are required to timely turn and mix the rice. Approximately 20-40% of moisture gets reduced in the initial stage of drying while the remaining percentage later.

‘Nextech Solutions’ is the leading grain processing unit proffering top-notch consultancy services as well as high-end milling equipments.


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