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Important Arrangements to Make Profits in Rice Milling Business

Important Arrangements to Make Profits in Rice Milling Business

The countries like India, where agriculture is the primary occupation, the benefits of setting up a rice mill can be easily understood. Rice is among the top staple foods in India and huge quantities of different varieties are exported to different nations. It is also worth mentioning that Rice Milling is the oldest agro-processing industry … Continue reading "Important Arrangements to Make Profits in Rice Milling Business"
Rice Mill Plants – Past and Current Technology in Milling

Rice Mill Plants – Past and Current Technology in Milling

Rice is one of the most important food crop across the world that is processed in the rice milling plants with respect to the international standards keeping in mind the uniformity and the basic quality of the grain. There are different rice milling machinery and Rice Milling equipment used for the proper processing of rice … Continue reading "Rice Mill Plants – Past and Current Technology in Milling"
PhilRice Rice Milling Machine Specification

PhilRice Rice Milling Machine Specification

Simple, low-cost rice milling machines play an essential role in ensuring food security and reducing hunger and poverty in the rural Philippines. The Philippine Rice Research Institute, commonly known as PhilRice, works with more than 60 agencies worldwide.
Customized Silos – For Effective Storage of Food

Customized Silos – For Effective Storage of Food

Out of the many ways of storing food, metal silos prove to be the most efficient and effective. Silos enable farmers to store and protect their grain from being spoiled by rain and pest infestation.
Different Paddy Parboiling Methods in India

Different Paddy Parboiling Methods in India

Parboiling involves partial cooking of rice paddy, and soaking, gelatinizing, and drying before milling. The main objective of parboiling is to impart hardness to the grain (without hampering the husk) so that the grain can withstand the milling operations.
Basmati Rice Manufacturing Process

Basmati Rice Manufacturing Process

Basmati Rice is a variety of rice, which is particularly grown in the Punjab area of India. Basmati Rice is characteristically longer than other forms of rice. What’s more, it is known to possess a unique aromatic smell. This smell is due to the presence of a chemical compound known as 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline.
Rice Parts

Rice Parts

Rice, as we all know is one of the major crops all around the world. The crop is highly nutritious and can be easily grown in all the corners of the globe. Rice primarily has three edible parts – the germ, the bran and the endosperm. After the process of rice milling, all the rice looks almost the same
Rice And Its Different Types

Rice And Its Different Types

Rice is one of the most important crops in not only India but the whole world. Countries with huge population like India and China are heavily reliant on rice to feed the insatiable hunger. Rice is easily grown across the globe as it is adaptable to most types of climates.