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Different Milling Techniques– Modern and Traditional Mills.

Different Milling Techniques– Modern and Traditional Mills.

Rice has remained the staple food to more than half the humanity since time immemorial despite waves of food revolutions. Covered by two different layers, namely- bran (the inner layer) and husk (outer layer), Rice paddy becomes rice only when the two layers are removed properly through hulling and milling of paddy and hence processing … Continue reading "Different Milling Techniques– Modern and Traditional Mills."
New Innovations And Techniques Of Paddy Processing

New Innovations And Techniques Of Paddy Processing

Modern technology needs to be inducted at a rapid pace to keep abreast of the changes worldwide. Maintaining high quality and output while maintaining consistency of rice is not an easy task.
Processing And Milling Of Parboiled Rice

Processing And Milling Of Parboiled Rice

Popularly known as the easy to cook rice, Parboiled rice actually connotes partially boiled rice that is the grain is simmered in the husk. Parboiled rice, thus apparently is a precooked form of rice, but on closer analysis is found to be erroneous.
How to Make Profit in Mustard Seed Oil Mill? Get Consultation By Nextech Solutions.

How to Make Profit in Mustard Seed Oil Mill? Get Consultation By Nextech Solutions.

Mustard has always been a part of Indian food and culture. Mustard seed and oil is consumed as edibles in all parts of the country and holds a place in every kitchen. From health to nutrition it has been serving to the fullest.
Modernize Your Rice Mill Plant With The Best Rice Mill Consultants In India

Modernize Your Rice Mill Plant With The Best Rice Mill Consultants In India

Technology changes very rapidly in the rice milling sector. As the mills move to become fully automated, expertise and experience become of paramount importance. In existing rice milling business, it becomes imperative to upgrade to brand new state of the art.
Upgrade Your Existing Rice Mill Plant With The Nextech Solutions in India

Upgrade Your Existing Rice Mill Plant With The Nextech Solutions in India

Technology is ever changing but even more rapidly in the rice milling sector. While it's convenient to upgrade piecemeal, it is ultimately self-defeating. This is because if you want to have greater returns, you need to be ahead of the curve.
Get Your Rice Processing Plant Designed and Installed by Rice Mill Consultants in Bangladesh.

Get Your Rice Processing Plant Designed and Installed by Rice Mill Consultants in Bangladesh.

In Bangladesh, 75% of the total area is cropped and out of which, 80% of the irrigation is Rice. This shows how rice is vital for their livelihood. It is currently the world's sixth-largest producer.
How to Improve The Output of Rice Milling Machine?

How to Improve The Output of Rice Milling Machine?

Rice milling is the process that helps in removal of hulls and bran’s from paddy grains to produce polished rice. Rice feeds thousands of millions of people and milling is the process wherein the rice grain is transformed into an edible form- fit for human consumption.