Customized Silos – For Effective Storage of Food

Out of the many ways of storing food, metal silos prove to be the most efficient and effective. Silos enable farmers to store and protect their grain from being spoiled by rain and pest infestation.

Out of the many ways of storing food, metal silos prove to be the most efficient and effective. Customized Silos enable farmers to store and protect their grain from being spoiled by rain and pest infestation. Usually considered as an expensive form of food storage for small farmers and feasible only for storing large quantities of food, metal silos have also proved useful for storing grains on small scales (less than 1 to 10 tons) in many different places like Swaziland and Bolivia.

Farmers who have stored their harvested crops in silos have seen improved food security, consistency in grain quality, and reduced waste which automatically led to increased agricultural income. Silo for Food Storage Manufacturers in India even provides customized metal silos. The first thing which you should take into account when planning to get a silo customized is that the type and quantity of a crop that it is going to hold. The size, shape, wall thickness, flow direction will all depend on the type and quantity of food that the silo is supposed to store.

Silo for Food Storage

Storage Silo Project Consultant make both individual and group silos with platforms, ladders, and doors as per the need of their customers. These manufacturers use galvanized steel, cement, stainless steel, and aluminum to customize a robust silo which are usually chain-driven.

In addition to manufacturing anti-corrosive silos, companies also provide additional equipment that go in sync with a silo. These includes relief vacuum pressure equipment, dust controlling filter flange, nozzles used for controlling level, etc. When getting a silo customized, make sure that you have the material tested for its FIFO discharge. This is known as ‘functional’ mass flow.

Other than for storing food, a silo is also used for storing a variety of other items such as minerals, pellet materials, and a variety of other liquid substance. Finding Silo for Food Storage Manufacturers in India is of paramount importance as it will ensure smooth running of the silo. Make sure that the company offers end-to-end services and is experienced in designing and installing the silo and following it with organizing the additional equipment.

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Different Paddy Parboiling Methods in India

Parboiling involves partial cooking of rice paddy, and soaking, gelatinizing, and drying before milling. The main objective of parboiling is to impart hardness to the grain (without hampering the husk) so that the grain can withstand the milling operations.

Parboiling Methods in India involve partial cooking of rice paddy, and soaking, gelatinizing, and drying before milling. The main objective of parboiling is to impart hardness to the grain (without hampering the husk) so that the grain can withstand the milling operations. The paddy is parboiled in the hull to soften the kernel so that the surface starch, bran, and other components can blend. After this, the water from the rice is drained and the rice is dried with steam. The dried rice then undergoes machinery procedures to polish the kernels and remove the hull.


There are three different types of Paddy Parboiling methods in India, namely:

  1. Single-staged parboiling system which is meant for small grain and boiled cream-colored rice

  2. Two-staged parboiling system which is meant for small grain, boiled and steamed white-colored rice

  3. Three-staged Parboiling System which is meant for long grain rice like Basmati, etc.


A quick synopsis of Paddy Parboiling Methods in India

The raw paddy is first cleaned and then transferred to the soaking tank paddy storage bin. The raw paddy (only if its grain is long or of medium size) is then steamed for two to four minutes which is followed by the moving of processed paddy to the soaking tanks.


When the rice is in paddy form, it is soaked in water at an ambient temperature of 20-30°C and takes 36 – 48 hours to reach the requisite moisture content of 30%. On the other hand, if the paddy is soaked at a temperature of 60-65°C (hot water soaking), it reaches the moisture level in a mere two to four hours. One advantage of hot water soaking is that it reduces the steaming time which completes the Parboiling Process, quickly.


The smell, color, taste, and solubility of the components of rice depends on the water temperature and the duration for which it is soaked in the water. The timing must also not be too long and the temperature also must not be too high otherwise the components would dissolve in water, the seeds would start germinating, and starch fermentation would occur.



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Basmati Rice Manufacturing Process

Basmati Rice is a variety of rice, which is particularly grown in the Punjab area of India. Basmati Rice is characteristically longer than other forms of rice. What’s more, it is known to possess a unique aromatic smell. This smell is due to the presence of a chemical compound known as 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline.

Basmati Rice is a variety of rice, which is particularly grown in the Punjab area of India. Basmati Rice is characteristically longer than other forms of rice. What’s more, it is known to possess a unique aromatic smell. This smell is due to the presence of a chemical compound known as 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline. Although this chemical compound is found in various types of rice, Basmati Rice comprises 12 times of the compound as compared to other types of rice.


Basmati Rice is of Two Types: White Basmati Rice and Brown Basmati Rice. Both types differ in nutritional value and appearance.


Basmati Rice Manufacturing Process is similar to that of other rice types. Let us take a look at the Basmati Rice manufacturing process:



When the plants of Basmati Rice ripens in around 3 months, the harvest is ready. The fields can be harvested by hands or by machines, depending upon the size of the operation. Brown Basmati Rice can be obtained just after harvesting, all it needs is some cleaning and hulling.



Around 20 percent moisture is found in Basmati Rice at the time of harvesting, which must be removed in order to proceed further. The moisture is removed by drying out the harvest. The drying can be done with the help of artificially heated air or by simply utilizing sunshine.



Hulling is a process in which the dried rice is rolled on with machines. With the help of rolling action, the hull is loosened and eventually removed from the rice. The hulled grains are separated from unhulled grains by shaking the kernels. The heavier unhulled grains get separated from lighter rice.



Brown rice is more prone to getting spoiled and this is why brown rice is converted into white rice. Milling includes two-stage hulling in which the bran layer is efficiently removed from the rice. After the removal of the bran layer, rice is further polished to make it look more presentable.



The polished rice lacks certain nutrients and vitamins. The polished rice is here replenished with some important nutrients and vitamins to make it more suitable for consumption.


Once these stages are finished, we are left with pure eatable rice grains. These grains are then packed into batches and processed for transportation to different retailers. The packing makes sure that the rice does not get spoiled while storing or transportation.


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Rice Parts

Rice, as we all know is one of the major crops all around the world. The crop is highly nutritious and can be easily grown in all the corners of the globe. Rice primarily has three edible parts – the germ, the bran and the endosperm. After the process of rice milling, all the rice looks almost the same

Rice, as we all know is one of the major crops all around the world. The crop is highly nutritious and can be easily grown in all corners of the globe. Rice primarily has three edible parts – the germ, the bran, and the endosperm. After the process of rice milling, all the rice looks almost the same( i.e. white in color. But at the time of harvesting, rice is of many different kinds.

Let us have a look:

Long Grain Brown Rice:
Long grain rice, as the name suggests, has a long kernel. This kernel is much longer in length than its width. These grains are light and isolated.

Sweet Brown Rice:
Sweet brown rice is also short and plumy like short grain brown rice. Though these tend to lose their shape upon cooking.

Short Grain Brown Rice:
Short grains are short, round, and the same in length and width. These also get soft on cooking.

Medium Grain Brown Rice:
Medium grain brown rice is wider and shorter in length when compared to long-grain brown rice. Cooked rice gets moist and slight. This type of rice sticks together longer.

Brown Basmati Rice:
Basmati rice is an aromatic form of long grain rice that is heavily consumed across India.

Himalayan Red Rice:
This type of rice is reddish on the outer side with a red bran layer on it. The bran layer adds to the taste of this rice.

There are numerous types of rice harvested in India throughout the country.


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Rice And Its Different Types

Rice is one of the most important crops in not only India but the whole world. Countries with huge population like India and China are heavily reliant on rice to feed the insatiable hunger. Rice is easily grown across the globe as it is adaptable to most types of climates.

Rice is one of the most important crops in not only India but the whole world. Countries with huge populations like India and China are heavily reliant on rice to feed the insatiable hunger. Different types of Rice are grown across the globe as it is adaptable to most types of climates. What’s more, rice is an excellent source of carbohydrates which in turn are an excellent source of energy.

Majorly, rice is classified into three types in India i.e. White Rice, Brown Rice and Basmati Rice. Follows an informative categorical description of these types:

White Rice:

White rice is a product of rice milling and polishing, which is why it gets white in the first place. But the polishing and milling remove a good fraction of vitamins and nutrients in from the rice. Hence, this type of rice needs to be treated with certain vitamins and nutrients after the Process of Rice Milling. Once fortified with essential nutrients, white rice is good to go and is quite beneficial to health.

White Rice is good for health in the following ways:

  1. It is a good source of protein. 300 grams of white rice contains 10 grams of proteins.
  2. Carbohydrates provide energy to the human body and white rice is all about carbohydrates and starch.
  3. White rice is much easier to digest when compared to other types of rice. This particular trait makes white rice suitable for infants and even older ones.

Brown Rice:

Brown rice is not deprived of essential nutrients, in fact, it is a great source of high-quality nutrients. Though it is not widely used since it is much costlier than white rice.

Brown Rice is good for health in the following ways:

  1. Brown rice is high in vitamins and minerals. In the case of Brown rice is of a very high order.
  2. Brown rice has soluble fiber in it which assists in reducing the percentage of cholesterol in human blood.
  3. Unlike White rice, Brown rice takes time while digestion. This makes it last longer and provide energy for longer yet controlled periods.

Basmati Rice:

Basmati rice is a hybrid kind of rice. It can be brown or white in color depending on the milling process. This type of rice is widely consumed and is a real home favorite.

  • Basmati rice is longer in length. It looks good and gives a royal feel to the meal being prepared.
  • Basmati rice has a particular aroma along with it, which adds to the taste of the rice in a positive way. This aroma is imparted to Basmati rice with the help of a chemical called 2-acetyl-1-pyrrolysine.

These are the three commercial types of rice available in the market for general consumption.


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Why Nextech is the best Rice Mill Consultant out there?

Once you plan to set up a rice mill, it brings in a lot of things to consider and finalize upon. A suitable land and property are needed, the machinery is to be installed in a proper orientation to ensure great functionality and many other logistics are involved. Rice mill setup is no cakewalk; as a matter of fact, it is a tough nut to crack in all possibilities.

Once you plan to set up a Rice Mill, it brings in a lot of things to consider and finalize upon. Suitable land and property are needed, the machinery is to be installed in a proper orientation to ensure great functionality and many other logistics are involved.

Rice mill setup is no cakewalk; as a matter of fact, it is a tough nut to crack in all possibilities. But that is why there are Rice Mill Consultants; there are many rice mill consultants crowding the market. In this blog, we would like to show that how we stand out of that crowd.

In what has not even been a decade, Nextech Solutions has already established itself as the Best Rice Mill Consultant in India. But that does not deter us from striving to excel and better our services even further. The company was founded by two vastly experienced veterans in the field of the Indian Basmati Rice Industry.

Mr. SP Singh, an electrical engineer with more than 26+ years of experience in Grains and Seeds Industry has worked with the topmost names in agriculture sector like Oswal agro furane and Buhler.

On the other hand, Mr. Charan Singh is a mechanical engineer with 22+ years of experience at top-notch agricultural solutions firms. These veterans bring a plethora of expertise and dexterity to Nextech Solutions, which is vital for us and eventually for our clients.

The Perfect Mix of Experience And Innovation:

Along with the indispensable experience that our founders guide us with, we are also home to some of the most developed technology and innovations involved in the field of agriculture solutions. Our engineering approach employs the latest computer-aided designs to come up with the most accurate and efficient solutions that meet and even exceed our client’s expectations. All of our engineers have experience of more than 15 years in rice milling and it is their commitment which fuels our ambition to excel. Plying trade in this field of business for so long has helped us in knowing our trade inside out.

Detailed designing engineering provides us with a much-sought edge over our competitors in the market. Proper designing and accurate designing results in better yields and hence add to the overall revenue.
Our association with our clients infuses great confidence in them for the reason that they feel themselves in “safe hands” and that’s because of our experience, expertise, and sense of belonging with the project that places us far ahead of our competition.

Our endeavor has always been to offer our clients, the maximum benefits by providing logical, technological & commercially optimized solutions which must suit their exact requirements.


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Flour Milling Process

Flour is the finely ground powdered material obtained from food crops like wheat, corns, and pulses. Wheat flour is the most common and is used in the production of bread. The dough is prepared from the wheat flour and is used to bake pieces of bread out of it. Dough prepared from the flour contains gluten which is enriched in proteins.

What is Flour?

Flour is the finely ground powdered material obtained from food crops like wheat, corns, and pulses. Wheat flour is the most common and is used in the production of bread. The dough is prepared from wheat flour and is used to bake pieces of bread out of it. Dough prepared from the flour contains gluten which is enriched in proteins. It is gluten where gases produced from yeast and other bacteria make the dough fluffy and eventually softer.


Process of Flour Milling And Grinding 

 In ancient times grinding was done by sliding rocks with wheat in between. It was a great technology for that time period. Thankfully, we have the much better technology to serve us today. Let us divide this section into subheadings to go into details of Flour Milling:

  • Cleaning the Wheat – The wheat obtained from the fields is not in the best of conditions and it is obligatory to clean it thoroughly before any other thing. There is a device called separator that does the job here as it removes the unwanted particles and adulterations from the raw material. Then there are aspirators which aim at removing minute particles which are much lighter than wheat grains.


  • Preparing the Raw Material – Once the cleaning phase is over, we can proceed further to prepare the raw material for grinding purposes. Here the wheat is dried to make sure that extra moisture is taken care of. Also, wheat is sometimes conditioned with hot water or cold water treatments. Conditioning helps in improving the quality of the raw materials.


  • Grinding – This is the real action; here the raw material is ground to make a powder out of the wheat grains. First of all, all types of grains are blended well to form a batch of the raw material.


Now, this batch is introduced to two big rollers which are ready to crush each grain into powder. These rollers are called breaker rolls. With the help of filters, the powder is collected according to their particles sizes. The finer particles with finest ones are collected at one place. With the help of vibrations, cleaning is done at this stage as well. Upon vibration, the lighter particles skip the heavier ones.


  • Processing – Now we have the flour with us, we just need to process it. In other words, this is the final touch before the flour is packed and dispatched. In this phase, bleaching and oxidizing agents are used to ensure good quality of the wheat flour.

These four stages sum up The Process of Flour Milling. Now the flour is ready to be used, rather baked into breads.


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