The Benefits of Eating Parboiled Rice

Most of us know that rice is one of the most consumed foods on this planet and more than 50% of its human population relies on rice as its staple food item. Of the many, amazing varieties of rice used globally, one is parboiled rice. This moniker might fool you into believing that it is a pre-cooked/boiled variety, but that is just not the case.

Most of us know that rice is one of the most consumed foods on this planet and more than 50% of its human population relies on rice as its staple food item. Of the many, amazing varieties of rice used globally, one is parboiled rice. This moniker might fool you into believing that it is a pre-cooked/boiled variety, but that is just not the case. It is just processed differently from other rice varieties and the resultant rice is cooked and served just like other varieties of rice.

As opposed to the most consumed rice variety, i.e. the white rice, which is processed by removing the hull, the parboiled variety retains the hull, and is hydrated and steamed during its processing. This lets the grains retain the nutrition provided by the bran layer. This steaming process causes the vitamins and mineral to migrate from the bran to the rice kernel.

This practice of parboiling rice was widespread in southern India along with a few Southeast Asian countries before it caught favour with the western nations. Let’s now discuss how healthy this parboiled variety of rice is:


Parboiled rice has almost double the fiber content than the most consumed white rice. A single cup of parboiled rice is a source of 41 grams of total carbohydrates, which is about a third of our daily carbohydrate requirement. This same amount of parboiled rice satiates 4-6% of our daily fiber need. Moreover, the carbohydrates in this variety do not cause a surge in the blood sugar level due to their low glycemic score of 38, which is more than twice as low as that of white rice.

B Vitamins

The parboiled variety is a rich source of B vitamins, niacin and thiamine. When combined, these vitamins digest the sugar and help convert the carbohydrate into energy. B vitamins in parboiled rice also help you create neurotransmitters and hormones.


A cup of parboiled rice provides around 3% of our daily requirement of calcium, magnesium, iron and potassium. Your body also gets about 5-7% of your daily zinc requirement. These help your body in forming the protein structure and regulate DNA. It also saves your immune system from getting impaired.


Folate or Vitamin B9 helps our body metabolize amino acids and nucleic acid. These are used to make protein and DNA respectively. Parboiled rice serves as an amazing source of folate. Eating parboiled rice ensures that our homocysteine levels stay normal, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. A cup of parboiled rice provides us with more than 200 micrograms of folate, which is slightly more than 50% of our daily requirement.

Parboiled rice is very similar to brown rice. All those familiar with brown rice know that it’s slightly more difficult to digest, as compared to white rice. This is mainly due to the starch not getting broken down so easily. This is, however, not the case with parboiled rice. The starch in this variety is more gelatinized, due to the hydration and steaming process.

To know more about the various such rice varieties and their health implications, make sure you keep following Nextech Agri Solution.


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Importance of Modern Rice Mill Machinery

Factually speaking, India is the largest producer and exporter of Basmati rice and one of the largest exporters of rice, in general. Rice milling is perhaps the oldest and also the biggest agro-processing industry in the country.
As it was last determined, India had a turnover of more than Rs. 25,000 cr/year and had the capacity to process approximately 85,000 tonnes of paddy each year, in turn, providing the staple food item to more than 60% of its population.

Factually speaking, India is the largest producer and exporter of Basmati rice and one of the largest exporters of rice, in general. Rice milling is perhaps the oldest and also the biggest agro-processing industry in the country.

As it was last determined, India had a turnover of more than Rs. 25,000 cr/year and had the capacity to process approximately 85,000 tonnes of paddy each year, in turn, providing the staple food item to more than 60% of its population.

When a country witnesses economic growth along with a situation of stable supply, we see a shift in the customer preference. Their demand shifts from quantity to quality and security. If we shift our focus on modern countries, we get to see that those nations are trying and consolidating their rice milling operations into large milling facilities, whereas most of the small and medium scale milling facilities are dying away.

This clearly proves that people over there are more critical of rice quality. This growing consciousness in the rice milling market would ultimately lead to bigger, more sophisticated machinery.

Developing countries, on the other hand, face a distinct challenge of sustained productivity. In the business environment, sustained production comes across as the biggest challenge rice milling units face.

So, how can we get over this one of the most critical challenges? Well, by streamlining and automating work processes. This is the only way to enhance productivity and reach a stage of sustained productivity.

Modern, automated rice milling machines not only have more reasonable designs but also have higher milling efficiency. The quality of milling operations straightaway determines the rice output’s quality, whiteness, milling degree, grain dimensions, etc. Using modern rice milling technology can let the rice millers cater to the exact customer demand on quantity as well as quality.

Today, most of the developing nations like India, China, Nigeria, etc, owing to the low-entry barrier and high profitability have grown swiftly. However, their lack of updated processing techniques and rearward equipment is hindering the development of their country’s rice industry, as a whole.

While the surge in population has created a demand for increasing the productivity, there have been numerous cases of grain loss due to inefficient, obsolete milling equipment. Developing, rice-producing nations are said to lose about 10% of their yield each year. And this calls for an improved, automated rice milling and processing machinery.

If you’re one of those farmers suffering from the lack of adequate milling infrastructure, make sure you get in touch with Nextech Agri Solutions Pvt. Ltd. It’s an Indian-based rice milling consultant with years of experience in the rice milling industry.


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Rice Plantation and its Growth

As such, the rice production cycle is divided into 3 distinct stages. These are pre-planting, growth and post-production. In one of our previous blogs, we thoroughly discussed the initial stage of rice production, i.e. the pre-planting process.

As such, the rice production cycle is divided into 3 distinct stages. These are pre-planting, growth and post-production. In one of our previous blogs, we thoroughly discussed the initial stage of rice production, i.e. the pre-planting process.

With this blog, we’d now move to the next step of rice production process, which is the growth stage. The rice growth stage includes 5 different processes. These are:

  • Rice plantation
  • Water management
  • Managing nutrients
  • Weed control
  • Disease and pest management


1. Rice Planting

Rice planting begins once the land has been prepared. As such, in rice farming, 4 different methods of cultivation exist.

These are mentioned as follows:

    • Direct seeding or broadcasting: Broadcasting involves sowing the seeds directly by hand and is suitable for areas with infertile soil and dry land.


    • Transplanting: Practiced where the soil fertility is optimum, transplanting is the most popular seed establishing method. It involves the transfer of pre-germinated seedlings from seedbed to the main field.


    • Drilling: Confined to peninsular locations, this method only requires 2 persons; one for ploughing land and the other for planting seeds.


  • Japanese technique: The Japanese method requires seeds to be sown on raised nursery beds which should further be transplanted in rows. It requires timely fertigation, i.e. injecting fertilizers and other chemicals into the soils, and weeding and is only used for high-yield rice varieties.


2. Water Management

Everyone involved in the process of rice production knows that rice of extremely sensitive to water shortage. Generally, rice is grown in fields that are continuously flooded for at least 10 days, almost a week until beginning the harvest. This is particularly important for lowland rice. This constant flooding ensures water sufficiency while controlling weeds.

Since there is a global shortage of water, it’s important to follow water management practices like constructing field channels, prepare and level land, and construct bunds.

3. Manage Nutrients

During the growth stage, rice plants require nutrients to grow and develop. Also, applying nutrients to the crop is also one of the most crucial steps for improving soil fertility and prevents nutrient imbalance in the field.

4. Weed Management

To prevent yield losses, bring down production cost and maintain grain quality, it’s fairly important to prevent and control weeds. Since weeds compete equally for sunlight, water and nutrients, it becomes all the more important to prevent them. Not just during the crop growth, weed management should be practiced during land preparation and in the nursery as well.

5. Disease and Pest Management

Weed is not the only enemy that we face during rice production; the rice plant faces a lot of foes during its growth. These are insects, rodents, viruses and diseases. On an average, each year, farmers lose about 37% of their crops to diseases and pests. It is, therefore, important for farmers to understand how pests and other enemies interact with crops and come up with necessary management practices.

They need to:

  • Clean the field and farming equipment
  • Use pest resistant varieties
  • Avoid over fertilizing
  • Implement natural pest inhibitors
  • Refrain from applying pesticides during the initial 40 days of seed planting

For detailed information on the above-mentioned steps and any other information on rice growth, rice milling and rice storage, one should contact Nextech Agri Solutions, a New Delhi based rice planting and rice milling consultant.


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The Complete Rice Production Cycle

Generally, rice plants take about 3 to 6 months to grow from seedlings to reach maturity, mostly varying according to the environmental conditions and undergo 3 distinct growth phases, which are vegetative, reproductive and ripening.
As such, rice varieties across the world are categorized into 2 groups based on their growth duration.

Generally, rice plants take about 3 to 6 months to grow from seedlings to reach maturity, mostly varying according to the environmental conditions and undergo 3 distinct growth phases, which are vegetative, reproductive and ripening.

As such, rice varieties across the world are categorized into 2 groups based on their growth duration. There is a short-duration variety maturing in 100 to 120 days and a longer when taking about 150 days.

Let’s now take a look at how rice is grown:

1. Seed Quality Analysis & Selection

To realize the yield potential, a seed must be grown, harvested and finally processed justly. Also, healthy, good-quality seeds carry the potential of increasing the yield by 20%. Some of the benefits of using good quality seeds are:
– Decreased seeding rates
– Increased crop emergence
– The decreased need for replanting
– Vigorous early growth
– Increased resistance to pests, insects and natural diseases
– Reduced weed growth

A good seed is one which is pure, i.e. coming from single variety, uniform in size, viable and free of pathogens, insects and seed-borne diseases.

2. Land Preparation

It’s mandatory to prepare the land and render it suitable for planting seeds. The soil, before planting, should be in the best physical condition if one expects an optimum plant growth. Essentially, land preparation involves plowing, digging up or harrowing to till and leveling the soil.

3. Crop Establishment

There are two common practices for planting rice seeds. These are:
– Direct seeding: Done either by hand or machine, direct seeding involves broadcasting pre-germinated/dry seeds. Generally, dry seeds are manually planted into the soil in ecosystems that are rain-fed, while pre-germinated seeds are planted in areas with dry soil.

– Transplanting: More popular of the two, transplanting involves the transfer of pre-germinated seeds from seedbed to wet fields. Although it requires less seeds and is a particularly effective method to control weeds, it is labour intensive.

4. Water & Nutrient Management

Since rice is grown in bunded fields which are flooded for up-to 10 days prior to the harvest, it’s fairly easy to determine that rice is extremely sensitive to water shortage. Contributing to this fact is its semi-aquatic ancestry. Keep in mind the following water management tips for maximum rice yields:
– Construct field channels
– Optimum land preparation
– Leveling the soil
– Construct bunds to limit any water loss

It’s also important to keep in mind that rice plant requires different nutrition at different stages. Nutrition management is a chief component of rice production.

5. Crop Health

Globally, farmers annually lose about 35% of their crops to plant diseases and pests. Rodents, insects, viruses, weeds, etc. are arch nemesis of rice plant. It’s important for rice farmers to understand how the crops interact with the pests and avoid such conditions. Certain tips that could help are:
– Land and water management
– Hand weeding
– Herbicides
– Good cleaning of farming equipments
– Pest resistant seed varieties

6. Harvest

Harvesting involves the collection of mature rice plants. AS we’ve discussed above, rice crops generally take 100 to 150 days to mature, depending on their growth duration. To minimize grain damage and for maximum yield, it’s mandatory to involve good harvesting techniques. It can be done either manually or using a combine harvester. Harvesting includes:
– Reaping
– Threshing
– Cleaning
– Hauling
– Field drying
– Stacking
– Packaging


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Rice Production: Pre-Planting Activities

This post by Nextech Agri Solutions aims to provide practical knowledge necessary for small-scale farmers entering the rice production business. Beginning with the pre-planting activities, this post will cover the rice varieties to choose from, information on seed quality, crop calendar and land preparation.

This post by Nextech Agri Solutions aims to provide practical knowledge necessary for small-scale farmers entering the rice production business. Beginning with the pre-planting activities, this post will cover the rice varieties to choose from, information on seed quality, crop calendar and land preparation.

These are 4 of the most important activities before the rice planting, and needs to be taken care of if one anticipates a high, prosperous yield.

1. Selecting the rice variety

It’s fairly important to begin with healthy seeds of a locally adapted rice variety. This ensures that the crop has a high yield and attracts good market price, and is also cheaper than importing high-potential varieties from other countries.

Mentioned below are the characteristic features a good rice variety must possess:
– Appreciable cooking characteristics, colour, aroma, taste and shape
– High selling price
– Stability
– Optimum yield over multiple seasons
– High tillering capability for competing against weed
– Tolerance against crop diseases and pests
– Resistance to droughts and floods
– Exact maturity length that matches the growing season

2. Seed quality

The crop quality entirely depends on the seeds sown. Since seeds are the foundation of any crop, it becomes pivotal that one ensures that the seeds utilized are of optimal quality.

Good quality seeds ensure the following benefits:
– Increased uniformity
– Less replanting
– Lower seed rate
– Better emergence (greater than 70%)
– High initial growth
– Increased resistance against pests, insects and diseases
– Decreased weed
– Increased yield

The following factors are used to determine the quality of rice:
– Varietal purity: It involves the percentage of germination, moisture content, weed, other crop seeds, stones and red rice seeds.
– Viability: Germination potential, moisture level and vigour are used to determine the seed viability.

The germination rate is indicative of seed vigor. A swift rate of germination shows that the seed will establish itself well in the field stage. Weaker seeds are easily affected by environmental stress and are known to produce weaker seedlings.
– Moisture Content: As such, moisture content should be less than 14%

3. Crop Calendar

Crop calendar provides for a reliable framework for all the subsequent farming activities.
It provides a clear schedule from seed sowing to storage and allows the farmers to:
– Decide the input purchase
– Prepare a budget for all the activities
– Determine labour, capital and credit requirement
– Prepare land and harvest

Based on local experience and with the help of agricultural promoters, determine the best date to plant. Determine the time it takes for your chosen variety to harvest. Establish the labour and finance requirements at each of the subsequent steps, i.e. plowing, weeding, fertilizing, etc.

4. Land Preparation

This is the final step before we begin with the planting. It is an important step which helps control weeds, recycles plant nutrients and provides for a sustainable surface and soil mass for direct seeding.

As such, land preparation either begins during fallow, i.e. the period wherein a field is left uncultivated so it regains its fertility, or immediately after the previous harvest. Moreover, it usually takes around a month for complete land preparation.

It typically involves 3 different stages which are:
– Clearing the field
– Creating compost from rice residues
– Planting cover crops to enrich soil and suppress weeds


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How to Determine the Moisture Content in Paddy?

Moisture content, as we define it, is the weight of water in rice or paddy expressed in percentage. In post-harvest handling, MC is stated on a wet basis (MCwb). Simply put, it’s percentage of water in a wet grain.
The importance of measuring moisture content

It’s imperative to determine accurate moisture content. This is done with a view to effectively manage and market paddy, for each purpose requires different moisture content.

Moisture content, as we define it, is the weight of water in rice or paddy expressed in percentage. In post-harvest handling, MC is stated on a wet basis (MCwb). Simply put, it’s percentage of water in a wet grain.

The importance of measuring moisture content

It’s imperative to determine accurate moisture content. This is done with a view to effectively manage and market paddy, for each purpose requires different moisture content.

For e.g. 18% MC for storing grains up-to 2 weeks, 9% for long-term storage, etc.

Inaccurate moisture testing could lead to:

  1. Grain loss if excessively dried
  2. Increased drying costs and paddy loss if milled at high moisture content
  3. Lower head rice, when milled at wrong moisture content
  4. Weight loss when dried excessively
  5. Mold development
  6. Heat buildup in the grain
  7. Pest infestation
  8. Discoloration
  9. Reduced yield
  10. Loss of germination

How to measure paddy moisture content?

There are two widely used methods to measure moisture content. These are:

1. Primary Method: It is based on weight measurements and is ramified into 2 steps:
– Oven method
– Infrared method
2. Secondary Method: It involves measuring the electrical traits of grains using an electronic instrument

There are a number of different portable moisture meters available in the market. One simply has to make sure that the chosen meter is suitable for harvesting paddy or grains to be milled, depending on whatever you’re planning to do.

Let’s take a look at the moisture content required for different post-production activities:

Paddy Harvesting

When harvesting paddy, one needs to keep in mind that lower moisture content can possibly lead to grain shattering and higher moisture content can lead to losses owing to poor grain quality.
– Ideal moisture content: 20-25%
– Primary losses: Grain shattering and poor quality

Paddy Threshing
– Ideal moisture content: 20% for manual threshing and 20-25% for mechanical threshing
– Primary losses: Breakage/cracking, grain damage and partial threshing

Paddy Drying

The drying process should begin within 24 hours of harvest. Otherwise, there’s a very high possibility of quality deterioration and grain damage.

It should also be noted that seeds should be dried well below 12% moisture content while grains to below 14%.
– Ideal moisture content: 14% or lower
– Primary losses: Discoloration, spoilage and fungal infestation

Rice Storage
– Ideal moisture content:
14% or less if it’s to be milled or stored or a month
Less than 13% for storage up-to 12 months
12% for seed storage
– Primary losses: Pest infestation, fungal infection, loss of germination, etc.

Rice Milling
– Ideal moisture content: 13-14%
– Primary losses: Cracking and breakage

I sincerely hope this post would be helpful to all those planning to venture into the business of rice processing and milling. For any further assistance, feel free to contact Nextech Agri Solutions, one of the best Rice Mill Consultants in India.


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How KRBL turned out to be India’s Biggest Basmati Exporter?

I wish we had retained our full name, Khushi Ram and Behari Lal, instead of the acronym KRBL, since it speaks volumes about our legacy,’ reminisces Anil K Mittal. ‘After all, there’s a lot in a name.”
The famous Shakespearean phrase, ‘what’s in a name?’ has little to no importance in Anil K Mittal’s life.

‘I wish we had retained our full name, Khushi Ram and Behari Lal, instead of the acronym KRBL, since it speaks volumes about our legacy,’ reminisces Anil K Mittal. ‘After all, there’s a lot in a name.”

The famous Shakespearean phrase, ‘what’s in a name?’ has little to no importance in Anil K Mittal’s life. Anil is the chairman and managing director of India’s largest Basmati rice firm, KRBL – the manufacturers of the immensely popular India Gate Basmati Rice brand, among many others.

KRBL, since its inception in 1889, has come a long way. Currently headquartered in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, it was not the company actualized. It was founded in Lyallpur, the modern day Faisalabad situated in Pakistan. Back then, rice mills were simply a tiny chunk of their overall business plan and the company had interests in cotton spinning, textiles and banking.

Now, KRBL prides itself on being the world’s largest rice exporter and miller. It has over 30% share of domestic and 25% share of the branded basmati rice export market, with 2 functioning plants in Punjab and Uttar Pradesh with a combined milling capacity of 195 metric tons per hour.

For the financial year that ended on 31st March 2016, KRBL reported a total income of 3,594 crore, with a net profit of 334 crore. Over the last years, its capitalization has grown at a CAGR of 86%, touching 9,699 crore on March this year. Given the company’s brand value, lower cost of raw inputs and higher price realization, the statistics are not at all surprising.

The company managed it through various developments in its distribution channel, which further helped them penetrate and deepen their roots in the domestic market. They also successfully increased their presence across international markets and that helped them reduce financial vulnerabilities.

Delving back in time, Anil remembers how he formally joined the company in 1968 with the sole aim to leave an indelible mark in the family of businessmen. Once he had garnered enough experience, Anil set off on his own journey with a tender to supply barley to the army. That, he recalls, was the turning point in his life. And by the 90s, KRBL had transitioned into a fully-fledged rice business.

In 2003, after numerous successful decisions and eventful years, Anil decided to take over a sick unit in Punjab by the name of Oswal Agro Furane. The decision seems to have worked in their favour, and today, it is the largest Rice Mill Plant in the world, processing about a million ton of paddy in a year. With a capacity of 140 metric tons per hour, it processes about 7% of Punjab’s paddy cultivation.

Now run by Anil, his brothers and his daughter, KRBL firmly believes that strength of a firm comes from its own people. And the employees should be given a fair chance at functioning like entrepreneurs within their realms, if a business wants to grow.

For more of such industry-specific news, keep following Nextech’s blogs.


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Nigerian Federal Government all set to install 110 Rice Milling Machines

The Federal Government of Nigeria recently acquired 110 rice milling machines, which, if everything goes as per the set plans, would be installed in different parts of the country. The installation process is expected to continue until the end of July, and is aimed to boost the dwindling production of rice in the country.

The Federal Government of Nigeria recently acquired 110 rice milling machines, which, if everything goes as per the set plans, would be installed in different parts of the country. The installation process is expected to continue until the end of July, and is aimed to boost the dwindling production of rice in the country.

This development was confirmed by Malam Garba Shehu, who is the Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity to President Buhari, on his Facebook page, in Abuja.

Shehu, the president’s spokesperson stirred a national debate with his claim of Nigeria being the second largest producer of rice. Following a rice revolution that commenced in 2016, Nigeria achieved the position for being the second largest rice producer in the world.

Quoting an investigative media report, Shehu also remarked that 48,000 millionaires emerged in the state of Kebbi alone, for growing rice.

Shehu also claimed that over-reliance on oil has destroyed the country and that they are not in a position to continue. And the diversification of economy aims at distributing money across ordinary Nigerian citizens, ultimately leading to widespread prosperity across the whole country.

The president’s aide wants the country to be proud of the country’s ongoing agricultural revolution.

However, he also stated that the officials of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture are going to come up with latest development on Nigeria’s rice production.

Mr. Shehu’s Facebook post further read ‘’we’re not the first to say that Nigeria has reached second position in the world in terms of rice production. CNN, with their global reach also said the same thing. CNN is not a frivolous source and there’s reason to believe them.’’

“While the country waits for the actual numbers to come from the Food and Agricultural Organization, the government will be collating their own figures. Nigeria has been feeding a lot of parts from the north, west and central Africa since the last October and most of them have been shopping for millet, sesame, rice and sorghum in Nigeria.”

“In order to support the booming rice industry, the Federal Government acquired 110 rice milling machines. A lot is happening in the country and all of us should be proud of it”.

To keep yourself updated on news, events and the latest developments in the world of agricultural processing and engineering, keep following Nextech’s blogs.


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Why Are Rice Mill Consultants Important?

Ignoring the barriers of the income and the living standards of the people living in any city, state or country, rice is affordable by the maximum chunk of the population. Besides this, rice is the staple food form in many states and many Asian countries. This is a clear indication that a huge amount of the diverse quantities of this food item is and will be traded to other countries, which do not have sufficient production.

Ignoring the barriers of the income and the living standards of the people living in any city, state or country, rice is affordable by the maximum chunk of the population. Besides this, rice is the staple food form in many states and many Asian countries. This is a clear indication that a huge amount of the diverse quantities of this food item is and will be traded to other countries, which do not have sufficient production.

By learning all this, we can form a picture of the huge output, productivity, as well as the market efficiency of the rice mills which are located at various production locations. The credit of such an immense degree of production should definitely go to the Rice Mill Consultants who are being hired in greater numbers by many mill merchants to have a better working and output.

Without the presence of these milling consultants, the production levels might vary. Their presence is a must for a better working environment and procedure.

As rice mill consultants, what are the responsibilities and duties of Nextech Agri Solutions in a rice mill plant? And how does our presence and advice make a difference?

As rice industry specialists, we help our customers with their choice of rice business; that implies, regardless of whether the customer needs to begin rice cultivating business, dealership, discount or retail rice offering or rice process business.

Obviously, beginning a rice plant is productive and like different organizations, attainability study or arranging stage is the initial step taken by us to guarantee benefit in the business. As Rice Mill Business advisors, we facilitate our clients with the fundamental components, for example, arrive prerequisite, outline and development, assets and numerous other that may affect the business in one or other way.

The requirement of a perfect piece of land and its determination are of fundamental significance as the plant proprietors require enormous stable or capacity zone for the creation purpose that has as of now been processed and that will be processed without further ado. Experts concentrate on the regions that have tallness, as low-lying locales make dealing with and performing of various exercises troublesome. They likewise consider the zone to which the land has a place, it assumes an indispensable part in the transportation of crude material and completed items. Significant consideration towards a true blue waste structure in the zone to which arrive has a place is likewise paid.

The design and development are impressively vital in accomplishing gigantic benefits from the rice processing business. Factories ought to be produced in a way that they permit smooth operations and fullest use of perfect space. Godowns and stores ought to be outlined and created to store crude paddy and arranged rice securely. Taking care of units, cleaning units, parboiling domains and different fragments ought to be reserved suitably.

Keeping up high calibre alongside required amount is a testing errand for factory proprietors, and these two variables straightforwardly add to benefit era ability of the business. The rice mill consultants have their attention on the right determination and fitting interest in the rice process hardware, and they generally prescribe for another other than a revamped machine. Interest in present day advancements and devices can possibly meet quality principles and deliver high amount also. Further, present-day machines offer vitality protection, simple upkeep, and high efficiency that decreases the generation cost and improve the productivity of the Rice Mill Plant.


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Rice Milling Industry In India: Things You Need to Know

About 65% of India’s population consumes rice, making it one of the most important food crops in the country. Rice, in its raw form cannot be consumed and therefore, the need for processing surfaces. Typically, a milling process involves 3 basic stages:

  1. Husking
  2. Whitening/polishing
  3. Blending, grading and packaging

About 65% of India’s population consumes rice, making it one of the most important food crops in the country. Rice, in its raw form cannot be consumed and therefore, the need for processing surfaces. Typically, a milling process involves 3 basic stages:

  1. Husking
  2. Whitening/polishing
  3. Blending, grading and packaging

In modern mills, a number of additional adjustments are present that not only ease out the process, but also produce better quality rice with higher yields. Modern milling process involves:

  • Pre-Cleaning: Separating impurities and unfilled grains
  • De-Stoning: Removing stones from paddy
  • Husking: Removing husk from paddy
  • Husk Aspiration: Husk separation from unhusked paddy/brown rice
  • Paddy Separation: Separating unhusked paddy from brown rice
  • Polishing/Whitening: Removing bran layer and germs and improving the appearance
  • Separating white rice into head, large and broken rice
  • Mixing: Determining the mix as required by the customers
  • Rice weighing and packaging

Milling Objectives:

  1. Producing edible rice, i.e. free of husk, stones, and other unwanted materials
  2. Minimize grain breakage and wastage
  3. Maximize the rice yield

Occupying about 37% of the total cropped area, rice milling is the oldest and the largest agro-industry in India with an annual turnover of Rs 25,500 crore, the major export destinations being Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait and Iran. Rice accounts for 44% of the total grain production in the country, West Bengal being the largest producer (16%), followed by Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Punjab accounting for 13%, 12% and 9.47% respectively. The milling industry processes about 85 million tons of paddy every year proffering food grains to about 65% of the population.

Prior to starting a rice milling business, you need to obtain several licenses and permits from the concerned government authorities. You have to:

  • Register your business with Registrar of Companies
  • Udyog Aadhaar Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) registration
  • Avail factory license
  • Consent to establish and operate from Pollution Control Board
  • Apply for license according to Rice-Milling Industry Act, 1958
  • VAT registration
  • PFA and ESIC registration for employees
  • IEC registration for exports

Machinery Required:

  • Paddy cleaner and aspirator with damper controls and double fans
  • Paddy shelter
  • Paddy separator
  • Blowers aspirators
  • Husk aspirators
  • Barn aspirators
  • Paddy polishers
  • Rice aspirator/grader
  • Bucket elevators

Nextech Agri Solutions is the leading technical consultant for rice milling industry with years of experience on latest rice milling technologies. They offer comprehensive solutions for all your rice processing needs. Contact them for further details.


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