Need for Modernizing the Methods and Machinery of Paddy Processing?

Modernizing the Methods And Machinery of Paddy Processing not only helps you save your time but it also helps you improve the quality of the rice and produce more rice in less time. 

Paddy separators and other modern methods such as husking-rubber rolling technology, friction-type whitener polisher are being widely accepted in the modern rice mills. 

 Benefits of modern machinery for paddy processing

There are a lot of things that modern machines can do and the old ones cannot. Few of them are: 

  • Modern machines can help you process rice of all degrees of whiteness with minimum broken
  • It can help you produce high-quality rice.
  • They have higher milling efficiency. It can produce a high amount of rice in less amount of time. This is really useful for people who export rice to other countries. 
  • They don’t require too much maintenance.
  • They reduce the electricity bill.

Benefits of modern methods of paddy processing

Just like modern machinery, modern methods of paddy processing are also being widely accepted across the country. They offer a lot of benefits such as:

  • You can cater to the exact customer demand for quality and quantity. 
  • Less loss of grains.
  • Can store the milled rice for a longer period of time i.e better grain storage solutions

In the milling business, sustained production is the biggest challenge rice millers have to face. Moreover, people are getting more concerned about the quality of the rice. 

The best way to meet both the demands i.e. increased productivity and better quality is by Modernizing the Methods And Machinery of paddy processing.

Bottom Line

Allowing you to increase productivity and improve quality, modernization is the best way to increase your profits. 

We at Nextech Solutions can help you modernize your rice mill so you have to spend less on operations and can earn more by producing better quality rice. Being the leading Rice Mill Consultant we even help you if you want to export your rice. No matter if you’re looking for a storage silo consultant or a rice mill project consultant or rice mill engineers & designers, or just storage solutions. We offer everything you’ll ever need throughout your rice milling business.

How to Make Profitable Rice Milling Business

Many countries still depend on India to meet their rice needs. Being one of the top exporters of rice in the world, India provides tremendous opportunities to make a profitable Rice Mill Business. Because, of course, you cannot consume paddy in its raw form. 

Also, it’s not only about export, but rice is also the staple food in India, which means there is a huge opportunity even if you build a small rice mill that just caters to the needs of your local area.

Things to keep in mind when starting out a rice milling business

Starting a business in India is not easy, you need to acquire necessary licenses and permits from state Government, you need to create a fixed source for buying raw products, and lastly, you need a great location. 

To start with the required licenses and permits.

  • Registration of the firm
  • Udyog Aadhaar MSME registration
  • Factory license
  • No pollution certificate
  • Rice-Milling industry Acts 1958
  • PFA and ESIC registration
  • IEC registration
  • FSSAI license
  • GST registration

For a complete rice mill plant setup, you will need a minimum of 1500 sq. ft. area, however, you need to make sure the location is just right. What I mean to say is that it should be somewhere near the place where rice is grown. This will help you in two ways: one that you are assured of getting the raw materials and other is that you can save a lot on transportation cost resulting in an increase in your profit. 

Ways to make it profitable

The cost of setting up a modern rice mill plant is quite high, however, with the right steps you can easily get a high return on investment. As mentioned above, the Best Way To Make a Profitable Rice Milling Business is by ensuring that you choose a great location. Other ways to make it profitable includes:

  • Modern machinery and infrastructure (as it requires less to no maintenance)
  • Machines with high operating capacity (capacity of the machine is directly proportional to how much profit you make)
  • A proper rice mill plant layout design (for better results in rice production)

Though there is a huge opportunity in the rice milling business, we have noticed that a lot of rice mills get closed as soon as they are opened. The reason for this is simple: mill owners don’t know much about the rice business, however, they are attracted because of the money in the industry. Therefore, it is better to talk to rice mill plant consultants before you start your own rice milling plant business.

Nextech Solutions is the leading rice milling services provider in Delhi. We will not only help you make your rice milling business sustainable, but we will also help you keep your business profitable for a longer period of time.

Modern Dal Mill Plant

For every industry that aims at prospering in their field, the most important phase of their working is Production. Especially in the Food Processing Industry, trivial details like the location of the plant can influence the production factor by a large scale. Earlier known as Nextech solutions, Nextech Grain Processing and Engineering Solutions Pvt. Ltd was started 10 years ago with the vision of improving the quality of produced grains. 

The Dal Mill Plant is one of the important parts of Nextech. The use of fine and chosen machinery works delicately to produce high quality of Dal. But before moving further let’s understand certain basic concepts as mentioned below.

Milling of Pulses? 

The Dal consumed by millions of people around the globe comes in the raw form of Pulses. The pulses are dehusked and split to mold in the shape of edible dal. 

This process comprises of two general steps: 

  • Loosen the husk on pulses.
  • Removing the husk.
  • Using a machine to split the remainder into cotyledons.

The efficiency of the machinery used for the process of splitting the cotyledons marks the success of any Dal Milling project. Every kind of pulse requires an additional step that helps in better loosening of the husk. This step is known as a pre-milling treatment. The adamant cover is loosened up for better production of dal. 

Methods of Processing Pulses

The raw pulses are first brought in to clean the grain and remove any impurities or irregular sized grain. Then they are further graded into different fractions that are sent for processing. The stepwise mention of the methods used in processing pulses is provided below. 

  1. Cleaning and Grading
  2. Pitting 
  3. Pre Milling Treatment
  4. Tempering 
  5. Drying 
  6. Dehusking 
  7. Polishing

The Process of Setting Up Pulses Dal Mill

As you might have understood by now, the Dal Mill Manufacturing Process requires excellent implementation and management to produce exceptional results. 

The most important step involves rigorous brainstorming for the creation of the right business plan. The construction and implementation of a Pulses Dal Mill depend entirely on the business plan. With the years of experience, Nextech can guarantee that your search for the right resources will end at their place. 

Apart from Dal Mill Plant, Nextech is known in the market for the experienced Rice Mill Engineers and Designers that provide unique solutions for your rice production needs. A Rice Mill Consultant will be provided to study your needs and provide feasible solutions as per your guidelines. 

With Nextech, you can calmly be assured about the quality of their services.


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Grain Milling Technology – High Yield and Quality

The process of grounding of cereal grain into flour is known as milling. Waterwheels were the first things used for such tasks. Grains cannot be consumed in their raw form and hence it is necessary for it to undergo milling process. Grains are the main source of protein and nutrition and 70% of people in the world are dependent on it, the traditional method of grain milling is now replaced by Modern Grain Milling Technology. It is very fast as well as effective than the previous one. Nextech provides you the best Grain Milling Solutions with the latest milling technology used by the industries.

The milling provides a consistent product, a range of flours suitable for a variety of functions and flour suitable for a variety of functions and flour with predictable performance. This new technology has become a boon for the millers. The first operation of the mill is to analysing the grain. The grain then undergoes three stages.


  • Cleaning and conditionally- Clearing and conditioning the grain helps in removing all the impurities of the grain and it makes the grain ready for milling. 
  • Crushing or breakingIn this process, the grain breakdown in the successive stage and how it is ready to release its component parts.
  •  ReductionThis process helps in the progressive rolling and shifting of the grain. After this the refining of flour and separation of it into various categories takes place. These various categories are known as streams. 


The grain in its raw form contains weeds, chaff, and other materials. The high technology machines are capable of removing all the impurities and making it pure to eat. There is a disc separator in the machine which removes the husk from the grain. After that, the grain is taken to a strong blast of air for cleaning and after that, the magnetic separator removes any iron or steel from the grain. 

Extraction Rates

The figure that represents the percentage of flour production from a given quantity of grain is known as the extraction rate. For example, if 45 kg of flour is produced from 100 kg of grain, the extraction rate is 45% (45÷100×100). The extraction rate depends upon the flour production and it may vary according to it. The grain flour containing all the germ can have an extraction rate closer to 100%. But the pure white grain flour usually has extraction rates around 70%. The germ and bran of the grain have a very high rate of nutrients and hence the flour which has a higher extraction rate have a higher nutritional value.


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Get Solutions on Rice Mill Industry

Nextech Solution is an organization which helps to provide all kinds of services for the milling industry. It is a Grain Processing And Engineering Solution and has 10 years of experience in this field. If you are planning to set up a Rice Mill Plant, then you must be curious about it and there must be many questions in your mind related to this work. We are an experienced, friendly team of professionals and we always look forward to solving your eagerness. So you can get solutions on Rice Mill Industry by our experts.

There are some common questions which may wander in your mind before starting a rice Mill Plant.

  • How do I Set up a Rice Mill Plant?

To set up a rice mill plant, you must follow these steps,

  1. Register your business with the Registrar of companies.
  2. Register it with Udyog Aadhar MSME registration. 
  3. Get a license of your factory
  4. Get approval from the Pollution Control Board.
  5. Get your VAT registration done.
  6. ICE registration is also mandatory in case you plan to export your produce.

The investment of the business depends upon the many factors such as the size, technology level, personnel hired and many others. But the approximate amount in which we can set up a rice mill is about 92.5 lakhs. Which include all the things related to this business like the land required, technical staff, cost of raw materials etc.

  • How Do I design a rice milling plant project?

There are many factors which are important to consider while designing a rice milling project. Nextech Solution provide one of the best grain milling and engineering solution Pvt. Ltd. and has an experienced and skilled team of professionals which will help you to Design Your Rice Milling Plant Project. We offer the entire set of expertise needed to set up a highly automated plant including grain handling, grain processing system. 

  • How do I get a license for Rice Mill?

To get a License For The Rice Mill Plant one has to seek the permission of the Central government. The central government has the right to undertake a full and complete investigation about your set up. There are many laws to obtain the license for the rice mill plant. The central Government ensure higher efficiency with decreased generation cost. 

  • Is Rice Mill Business profitable nowadays?

Rice Mill Business has gained lots of popularity nowadays and it is one of the best businesses invest upon. But it totally depends upon the strategy of selling your product and services. You must build up a plan to start your rice mill plant and must have some backup plans with you. 

Nextech Solution is a 10 years old organisation which have an experienced team of engineers and consultants to guide you about the profits of the Rice Mill Plant.

Nextech solution possesses a skilled team of Rice Mill engineers and designers to help you out in establishing your rice mill plant. Our Rice Mill Consultants are always available to help you out with your confusion and will provide you with the rice milling plant layout and design. All kinds of rice mill machines are provided here to start up a rice mill plant. If you are planning to start a rice mill plant then Nextech Solution is the perfect place for you.


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How to Start a Sesame Oil Business – Nextech Solutions

If you are planning to start your own Sesame Oil Business, you are in the right place! Nextech Grain Processing and Engineering Solution Pvt. Ltd is one of the leading technical consultants of sesame oil extraction machine & detail engineering. Equipment like sesame oil extraction machines, filter press, seeds cleaner and oil machine spare parts are available here at a very reasonable price. We have experienced as well as a skilled team of engineers and designers to provide you the best quality of the product. Our Rice Mill Consultants will help you in understanding the sesame oil manufacturing process. 

 Sesame Oil Manufacturing Process

Sesame oil is extracted from sesame seeds and it is a kind of edible oil. The manufacturing process of sesame oil mainly includes cleaning, softening, flaking, steam cooking, pressing and filtering. 

  • Cleaning

Cleaning helps in removing the clay, sand particles, iron scrap, weed seed, and immature sesame seeds, etc. After that, the seeds undergo rinsing to get rid of side by side mud, impurities, and dust.

  • Softening

Softening is the method, in which the temperature of sesame oil is adjusted to provide them plasticity. It helps in flaking of the seeds into thin pieces and it also provides moisture to the seed.

  • Flaking

Roller flaking machines are used to press the seeds into flakes. It destroys the cell tissues and makes the oil easily extruded from cells. Flaking enlarges the superficial area which increases the outlet area of the oil.

  • Steam cooking

In steam cooking, the raw flakes are turned into the cooked flakes by adding water, heating, and drying. It softens the flakes to take the shape easily and also improves the quality of the oil. 

  • Pressing

For the pressing of the sesame oil seeds, screw oil press is used. There is the rotating spiral shaft which continuously presses the flakes to extract the oil from it. It is a continuous and automatic process of oil extraction and it is divided into three phases i.e. pre-pressing phase, pressing phase and cakes forming phase.

Profits in Sesame Oil Milling Business

Sesame seed contains 54% of oil. It is very rich in nutrition and cures the diseases caused by angiosclerosis. It is used for cooking and also as a flavor enhancer in India as well as in other countries. A large number of antioxidants like sesamol, sesamolin are also present in it which makes it durable to store. If you are planning to set up an Oil Milling Business then it is worth investing in it. This is an all-time profitable business. All you need to do is elaborate research about sesame oil milling business. Make a business plan, fetch some funds, search location near sesame oil production and here you go.

Nextech solution is an organization which helps to provide all kinds of milling machinery. Our consultants will help you with the installation of the plant and also let you know about the business profit. So if you are willing to start your own Oil Mill Plant then Nextech solution is always at your service.


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How to start Oil Manufacturing Process Business?

Nextech Solution is one of the leading grain processing and engineering center and it also welcomes the vegetable oil refinery system. If you are planning to start a profitable Edible Oil Manufacturing Process Business, our mustard seed oil mill consultants are here at your service. They will help you in figuring out the pros and cons of oil refinery plant. Nextech Solution has been in this field of agriculture for more than 15 years and has a team of professional and experienced Rice Mill Engineers And Designers. We will help you in knowing the process and work of oil seed extractor.

As we know that mustard is one of the main ingredients in the Indian kitchen and it has many other uses also. From health to nutrition there is a large demand for mustard oil. So if you are planning to start a business regarding the oil manufacturing process, it will be profitable for sure. Sesame seed is another important commodity that has a large demand all across the globe and it is exported from India to European countries. To meet the requirements of the people one needs a better-designed and technologically advanced plant. As the consumption of edible oil is increasing, both sesame oil manufacturing process and mustard oil manufacturing process are profitable and one of the best business option to invest in. The oil extracted from mustard and sesame can be used for various purposes, including hooking and production of plastic and soap. Even the waste products of these edible oil productions can be used to fuel the diesel engine.

Here are some steps to start Oil Manufacturing Process Business –

Get Information about the business    

To start a business one must have complete knowledge about oil mill industry. You can get all the essential information about the oil manufacturing process with the help of our Oil Mill Consultant. This will help you to know the terms of technology, capital, market and competition.

Build your business plan 

Before starting any business, having a business plan is as necessary as having the recipe before cooking. It helps in establishing and running the business effectively and successfully.

The strategy of raw materials

Raw materials are the main part of oil manufacturing process. You will need them to extract vegetable oil. There are two sources of raw materials, you can buy oil seeds directly from the suppliers or you can also grow them by your own at your farm. So according to your need you can select the source of raw materials.

Choose a place for oil refining plant

To make your business more profitable, you have to choose the location of your oil refinery plant very keenly. If you are planning for Mustard And Sesame Oil Production, you should choose the location nearby the mustard and sesame seed plantation. By doing so, it will reduce transportation costs.


Choose best oil mill machinery 

Choosing the best oil mill machinery is essential to get better results. Nextech Solution provides you the best oil mill machinery and Oil Filtration System made by our experienced and skilled engineers. 


Make Plan for package, advertise and distribution

 Storage tanks are used for collecting the oil and after storing it goes through the process by testing. The oil will go to the packaging stage and distribution if it will be found pure.

Running the oil mill plant is not a task of one person. You will also need a team for this work. So by giving advertises vacancies for employees using different media, you can choose the best staff to work with. 


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Systematic Layout Planning and Designing of Modern Rice Mill Plant

Out of the total population of India, rice is the main diet of 65% people. Since we cannot consume rice in its natural form, removing the husk and bran is very important. Rice Milling is a process by which we can remove the husk and bran layers and produce pure white rice. This is necessary if the rice mill is to be optimized and all processes reflect the principle of minimizing inputs and maximizing outputs.


Nextech solution is a grain processing and engineering center where we provide you the Systematic Layout Planning and Designing of modern rice mill plant. We have a team of skilled and experienced Rice Mill Engineers and Designers to help you in understanding the rice mill plant layout and design and for better results in rice production. If you are planning to set up a rice mill plant then this is the right platform for you. Here you will find Rice Mill Consultant to give you the best advice for this business and also tell you about the benefits of it. This is one of the most profitable businesses because more than half of India’s population is reliable in rice.


Many other ancient methods of removing the impurities from rice are also available here but modern rice mills are the best solution among them. Even Automatic Rice Mill Plants are also available in the market now which consume time and require less effort. Setting up a rice mill plant will require much rice mill machinery because the rice will have to go through many different processes. Having knowledge about all these rice mill machinery is very important for starting a Modern rice mill plant. So looking for the rice mill consultant is always a better option to gain more profit.


To ensure minimum running cost and long life, rice mill plant layout is optimized and based on modern technology. Facilities design comprises the layout design and the handling systems design after considering all equipment, machinery and support structure within the operational perimeter.


The Nextech Solution provides you a well-designed plant layout which will help in boosting the production of pure husk free rice. Customer satisfaction and high quality have always been pursued by Nextech solution. So if you are still in a dilemma about Rice Mill Layout Plant or machinery, you are always welcome to interact with our rice mill consultant and you can also visit our website to see the reviews of our customers toward our service. We have a long list of happy and satisfied customers all across the country and we are eagerly waiting to add you to this list.   


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Reasons Why Milling Industry is getting More Popular in the Past Decade

In the post- production of rice, milling plays a very important role. This process helps in removing the husk and the bran layer above the rice. To produce edible, pure and milled rice, milling is the most crucial step.

In the post- production of rice, milling plays a very important role. This process helps in removing the husk and the bran layer above the rice. To produce edible, pure and milled rice, milling is the most crucial step.

As it is one of the most consumed food product in India and we cannot consume it in its raw form so we need milling. Nowadays there are so many rice milling industries which uses modern milling process to give better results. Rice milling industry is getting more popular in the past decade because 65% of India’s population consumes rice and everyone wants better quality rice with ease.

Nextech solution is one of the best technical consultants for Grain Milling Solutions having a number of experienced rice mill engineers and designers which helps you out in understanding the whole criteria of rice mill industry. It is one of the best businesses to get more profit.

There are some factors which should be kept in mind before planning to set up a rice mill industry. According to our rice mill consultants, the location of the mill, rice mill machinery, size of the operating capacity and layout plan are the factors which are very important to get more from this business.

A rice mill plant uses many different types of rice mill machinery such as, destoner, paddy husker, paddy separator, thickness grader, abrasive whitening. All of them have their different task to perform and are very important in the milling process.

Nextech solution has more than 10 years of experience in this field and has experiences, professional and skill full engineers and designers to help you out in understanding the rice mill machine design.

The Rice Mill Engineers And Designers provides you a layout design of rice milling plant and are always ready to solve your problems regarding to this work even after the installation of your rice mill plant.

So if you are also looking for the installation of the rice mill plant then Nextech solution is the Best Rice Mill Consultants which help you to setup your business anywhere in the world.


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Technology Consulting and Engineering for Rice Milling Industry

Nextech solution is a grain processing and engineering centre where even technology consultancy is welcome. We have been in the market for an entire decade now being steered by our two founders who are professional and experts as far as grain processing, engineering and technologies are concerned.

Nextech solution is a grain processing and engineering centre where even technology consultancy is welcome. We have been in the market for an entire decade now being steered by our two founders who are professionals and experts as far as grain processing, engineering and technologies are concerned.

We offer a variety of services which majorly revolves around grains and to be more specific rice, not to mention that we also offer technical consultancy in the matters concerning grains.

Our dignified experts are well known through their competence and excellent results they present in every kind of activity they do in the organization. Due to proper and upright management and a well-coordinated and skilled workforce, the reputation of Nextech Solutions presides us.

Not one but many clients who we have the pleasure of serving have confessed how pleased they were after we were done with them. Offering Quality and lasting services is our core business in order to welcome our clients once and again.
Services we offer are : 

We install milling machines or any other related machineries as well as Rice Milling Plant Layout Design. More to that, we can also do modernization of existing mill plants so you don’t have to buy a new milling machine. We will digitalise the old one.

We have digitised machinery to mill the mustard seed to produce oil which is used for massage in large scale. Also the sesame seed which is known to be a great export from India to European countries is processed in our company as well. We have put up a well-designed and technologically advanced plant to help produce best quality.

Rice Milling
Our rice milling plants are well designed and suited to come out with the best quality of paddy. The milling plant is designed in a way to process a bulk amount of rice at a go therefore increasing value of output. We are the best rice milling consultants to offer proper guidance on a paddy milling plant.

Rice blending has become quite an essential thing to do in the modern rice market for both local and international levels. We offer rice blending services for even those with their own brands.
Bulk grain storage.

We are also the best storage silo consultants. Instead of buying very large pieces of land which spread out horizontally, which is expensive, we have designed silos which are not only saving your pocket but also your space for they stretch vertically and they store bulk rice.

We are known to offer the best grain milling solutions in India not to forget that we do pulse/dal milling consultancy. Dal are known to be a staple food for many people. Our milling plants are well suited to produce quality for both local and international markets.


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